Retrospective received distinctions

Chorus d ’ men 1856 of Molsheim, by its many benefits and implications in community life, has received numerous awards as evidenced by the following documents.
In November 2003, the vitality of the Choir was awarded the Golden Cedar :

The choir receives the recognition of the city of Molsheim in January 2007 :

our training, which regularly hosts the St. Genevieve – Mass gendarmes, is presented with the Medal of Honor of the National Gendarmerie in November 2010 :

After the Golden Cedar, it is with joy that we receive the Oscar in March 2012 :

The music is worth only if it is shared and meetings with other national and international choirs are always a time of great pleasure. This was the case during the visit of the Cantabile Choir of Dmitrov ( Russia ) in June 2013. The gift from the ladies up this choir takes us back good memories :

In October 2014, the choir was invited by the Lions Club Barr to give a concert to benefit children. On this occasion, our choir received the coat of arms of the Lions Club of Barr :

Then in October 2015, the institute of arts and popular traditions of Alsace gave us the Golden Pretzel, category "choral" :

And 2016, our Men's Choir celebrated its 160 years ! On this occasion, a dodecahedron commemorating the anniversary was directed by artists-singers :